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Eonza automation software - free, open source cross-platform program for easy creation and management of scripts.

Access Rights

Eonza information storage can work as a personal database, but is also a database of shared knowledge. All users are split into groups with various access permissions. Here you should specify a table, a user group and permissions of the given group to access this table. By default, all groups have no permissions. Permission data is stored in the system table enz_access. Every record can specify rules for four access types – reading, creating, writing and deleting. Access permissions apply only to records of tables. Even full permission users cannot change the structure of tables, rename fields or modify their order. They cannot delete or empty a table, but if a user has full deletion permissions, he can delete all records one by one. You can enable a log file in application settings to track user activity.

User Groups - specify a user group to grant access permissions to.
Table - specify a table to access with the given permissions. You can leave this field blank and specify a table mask as a regular expression instead.
Mask - a table mask as a regular expression. The mask applies to aliases, not to table names. If a mask is specified, the Table must be empty. For example, if you specified \w+, you will assign permissions of the selected user group to all tables. The ^my_\w+ mask applies access permissions to those tables that have their aliases starting with my_. Notice, if you add a new table with an alias that meets this mask or changed the alias of an existing table, the access permissions will be automatically re-assigned in compliance with the existing masks. That is why you should be careful when assigning aliases to tables if you use the mask field.
Active - this parameter allows you to quickly activate/deactivate this access rule.
Read - read access permissions.
Create - tick this if you want users of this group to add records to the given table or tables.
Edit - permissions to edit records.
Delete - permissions to delete records.

Each of access permissions can specify one of the following options.
Nothing is specified - this group doesn’t have corresponding access permissions.
Own Records Only - a user of the given group has access only to records he or she created.
All Records - users of the group have permissions to all records of the given table or tables.

Therefore, Eonza provides vast capabilities to organize shared access to the information storage. You can even use it as a corporate knowledge base in small companies.