Installation on VPS hosting

Eonza is an ordinary web server which listens to a certain port and has an API. Thus, if you have VPS hosting, you can install Eonza on the server and manage your hosting from the browser. To do this, you must have your own site with a domain name and SSL certificate connected, because in this case Eonza works only through https. Consider an example of installing Eonza on CentOS 64-bit with an existing domain Assume that this domain already has a website, so let's make Eonza open in the browser at[port].

Step 1. Installing Eonza

Create a directory on the server, download and save the program distribution for Linux there. For example, let's save the program to the /home/eonza directory. It is better to immediately set a password for the login, to do this, run the program with the -install and -psw parameters. In this case, Eonza will create the necessary files, set the login password and finish its work.

1cd /home/eonza
2./eonza -install -psw=mypassword 

Step 2. Configuring Eonza

Decide how the port will be used by the Eonza program. Open configuration file eonza.yaml in any editor and specify the following fields in the http section:

  • host - the domain name
  • port - the port the program will listen to.
  • open - specify false, so that the program does not try to open Eonza in the browser on the server.
  • jwtkey - specify a random string for creating JWT keys.
  • cert - SSL certificate file.
  • priv - file with the private key.

So the settings could be something like this

2    host:
3    port: 5001
4    open: false
5    theme: default
6    jwtkey: my-secret-jwt-key
7    cert: "/etc/letsencrypt/live/"
8    priv: "/etc/letsencrypt/live/"    

For security reasons, it is recommended to define a list of "white" IP addresses and subnets. In this case, all requests from other ip-addresses will be ignored. You can specify subnets belonging to your ISP. Also, be sure to add local subnets ::1/128 and The "white" list of ip-addresses and subnets is specified in the whiltelist section. For example,

2    - ::1/128
3    -
4    -
5    -

Step 3. Create systemd service

Let's register the Eonza program as a service. To do this, create a eonza.service file in the appropriate directory for the .service files. For example, in /usr/lib/systemd/system (CentOS) or /lib/systemd/system (Ubuntu). The example given below is the simplest eonza.service, although .service file can have many more parameters.

2Description=Eonza Service

Start and enable the service. Eonza will automatically start after rebooting the system.

1systemctl enable eonza.service
2systemctl start eonza.service

If you change the eonza.service file, you must run systemctl daemon-reload to update the settings. Use systemctl status eonza.service or service eonza status to get service status.

This completes the installation and configuration of Eonza on VPS hosting. Specify in the browser https: // (or another port that you specified in the settings) and, if everything was done correctly, you will see the login page of the Eonza program.

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