How to run a script from outside

The Eonza program allows you to run scripts from other applications. You can integrate Eonza with any program that can send HTTP requests.

First, add an event to Task Scheduler. Be sure to specify the name of the event and the name of the script to run. If you want to send a request from the same computer, you do not need to configure anything else. Send a POST request http://localhost:[port]/api/event with the following parameters:

  • name - the name of the event that will run the corresponding script.
  • data - any text data. This data will be passed to the script in the data constant. The script should handle them if needed.

[port] - port number used by Eonza program.

For example,

1POST: http://localhost:3234/api/event
3name: "myevent"
4data: "value: 2345
5  name: John Doe
6  islocal: true"

How to run a script from another computer

You can trigger an event in the Eonza program not only on the same computer, but also from any other computer. To do this, first bind Eonza to a domain name or static IP address. Also, specify the Token parameter in the event that will be triggered. It is recommended to specify more than 8 random characters as a token.

Step 1: Get a one-time ID

Send a GET request https://[yourdomain]:[port]/api/randid to get a nonce. Eonza will return JSON object with rand field. If an error occurs, the object will contain a error field with the error text. The lifetime of a nonce is 3 seconds.

4    "rand": "1234567484"

Step 2: Generate hash

You have to calculate sha256 hash from POST request parameters. Combine the event name, the data parameter, the rand identifier, and the event token into one line. All lines are joined without spaces or other separators. Calculate the SHA-256 hash from the resulting string.

Step 3: Send POST request

Send POST request https://[yourdomain]:[port]/api/event with the following parameters:

  • name - the name of the event that will launch the corresponding script. data - any text data. This data will be passed to the script in the data constant. The script should process them if necessary. rand - a nonce. sign - SHA-256 hash that was calculated in the previous step.

If successful, a JSON object is returned with the fields success (true), port is the port of the running script, id is the task identifier. In case of an error, a 403 code or JSON object is returned with the error and success (false) fields.

 4name: "myevent"
 5data: "{
 6    "value": "2345,
 7    "name": "John Doe",
 8    "islocal": false
10rand: "1234567484"
11sign: "034fa78bc....."
14    "success": true, 
15    { "port": 3237,
16    { "id": 762373421,
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